Well, I had my first work-out session yesterday. Boy did I work up a sweat. I had to stop a couple of times during the work-out to drink water. That was the only way to stop the cramps.
I started out motivated and focused but after 20 minutes, I stopped caring. I'm trying again tomorrow. The plan is to do this 4 times a week.
This is the dvd I purchased for my work-out. It was 1 of 4 dvd's available at Target. The other 3 were a little too ambitious for me. I also liked the idea of learning some dance moves (the routine is hip-hop dance inspired). Talk about killing 2 birds with 1 stone
I'm So Happy!
The Colts are going to the Superbowl. This was the most exciting game I've see in a long time!!! Tampa Bay loves you Tony Dungy!!
me again
So, Thursday was my birthday. I'm now 35 years old. I guess I'm considered middle-aged now or something right. People say, "oh Cheryl, you don't look a day over 25..." I say, "well, I cannot deny the past,the history is still there regardless". Not that my history is bad or anything. There's just 34 years of history.
I'm not depressed by it. I have some goals but I try not to plan too much. I'm just not that type of person. I tend to live a little impulsively. I should probably change that. I do want to start working out. I want to focus on light aerobic activity to build some endurance, fight exhaustion and reduce stress.
New Year's Eve pics

I'm back!!
Not that I've been anywhere (well, actually I'm away all the time in my head)....Not too much going on just work. I've been on break from school for a while but I start back next week. I've been on the job search and it's been going okay. I finally have my resume looking good and am perfecting my interviewing skills.
John just asked if I wanted to watch the liar/criminal-in-chief tonight. I said absolutely not.