I'm waiting for the debate to start. McCain is writing crap down already. I like McCain's tie and suit. He barely acknowledged Obama- bastard. Wow, McCain can't stop blinking!!!!! John says he's trying to stay awake. Obama just laughed ad McCain. That's right, we need to spread the wealth around. Obama will fight for the middle class. McCain is in denial. How are we supposed to pay for the bailout, war, infrastructure, etc. McCain. Oh I know, cut medicare. Oh so McCain is siding with Hilary now? Oh god, he's still talking about across the board spending freeze. talk about a disaster. forget funding education. yeah right, he's not telling you he wants to cut medicare. we're already heard this crap mccain. OHHHHHH mccain snapped at Obama.I have to admit , that was classic saying, "Senator Obama, you're not running again Bush, if you wanted to, you should have run against him 4 years ago."Oh, bring it on. does mccain have the shakes? how does his dirty campaign relate to obama not having other debates with him. oh here we go. that's bull. that's because Obama has the money to spend. that's right. screw your hurt feelings McCain. that's because your healthcare plan sucks. oh, mccain you just pissed off your base with the stem cell research funding. some of the people at mccain's rally are not worthy of praise. what have folks at obama's rally said that was out of line?
oh god, he wants to talk about ayers. forget the issues. mr. ayers is the center piece of mccain's campaign. I LOVE IT!! Mccain is killing himself. bullshit. oh now you want get to the economy mccain, going forward.
I have gotten to know palin and I don't like what I know. oh goodness, they are still talking about that nonexistent pipeline in alaska. give me a break. NO not partner, what about when you're dead.
good one Obama!!! a cross the board freeze will hurt special needs funding.
cockamamy. who says that anymore these days?
what an asshole. mccain just had to correct the moderator.
oh yeah, mccain thinks we can prevent foreign oil imports by drilling. he never answered the question. Columbia has some of the worse human rights abuses in the world.
mccain is starting to look bitter. HELLOOOOO , we're already in a depression thanks to good ole bush and the rest of the repubs.
You're wrong Mccain. sowwwyyyy. that's integrity, continue telling blatant lies to millions of viewers. well, mccain if you're so against the government plan for healthcare, then YOU opt out of your own plan. you have the same government plan that you think is bad for americans.
oh siilky silky now. get him!!!!! choose your words carefully. Now we know how mccain feels about women's rights.
all schools need to be good schools,
McCain, you're toast.
It's fun to watch a debate with Cheryl.
I wasn't going to watch the debate and then I heard it on NPR on my way home and was hooked. I shamed my sister-in-law yesterday for having McCain-Palin signs in their yard. Today when I went they were gone--not because of me, I'm sure. I hate it that some of my family is so ill informed and that I was never taught anything about politics by my family--of course it would have been the wrong view anyway. Would have loved to be there with you two.
Donna, how did you shame them? what did you say? I'm so curious.
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