Friday, January 12, 2007

me again

So, Thursday was my birthday. I'm now 35 years old. I guess I'm considered middle-aged now or something right. People say, "oh Cheryl, you don't look a day over 25..." I say, "well, I cannot deny the past,the history is still there regardless". Not that my history is bad or anything. There's just 34 years of history.

I'm not depressed by it. I have some goals but I try not to plan too much. I'm just not that type of person. I tend to live a little impulsively. I should probably change that. I do want to start working out. I want to focus on light aerobic activity to build some endurance, fight exhaustion and reduce stress.

New Year's Eve pics


At 11:30 PM, Blogger JT Evans said...

Happy birthday. It's a good age, believe me. And you look really nice in your little black dress. Looks like you had some fun celebrating!


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