So, my best friend Dallas' father was on the local news tonight for black history month. It was a nice interview. If you look, you'll see her in a photo along with her two kids Houston and Austin towards the end of the interview.
Here's the link to the clip.
hummm- debate. It's going Down!!!
Hilary looks good tonight
Obama's starting out with a good pace. keep it up.
oooohhh, Obama said he didn't whine about attacks from the Clinton campaign. good one obama.
I kind of feel sorry for Hilary. I can't help but like her. She's forced to play nice even though she wants to scratch
his eyes out.
oh oh
yes, but with a 401K plan, you are not fined if you choose to not contribute. bad example Hilary.
okay, obama, don't be rude and interrupt her like that
oh, he said Hilary. He's being feisty tonight.
LOL at Hilary going on and on.
This is getting interesting. oh COME ON!!! ask Barack if he needs to get comfortable and needs a pillow!?? low blow Hilary!
I can't believe she said she gets the first question all the time.
Wallstreet versus Mainstreet. I like it.
white, black and hispanic? what about the asians.
I heard the world trade organization caused more damage than Nafta. No one talks about that.
ohhhh, they did research on Hilary's position for NAFTA. I bet she's pissed.
Stop putting words in her mouth Tim. Tim is hammering Hilary on this. Yes, we need to level the playing field with NAFTA.
To be fair, Tim needs to hammer Obama like he did Hilary.
I tend to agree with Tim on the lack of innovation in some businesses. The corporate welfare system takes care of business so they don't have to be innovative. Look at GM.
oh no. TIm is being way too hard on Hilary tonight. Now Tim needs to ask Obama what his plan is.
Oh shit.Obama is left-handed.
Castro is not the worse dictator in the world. Let's take a trip to Saudi Arabia, shall we
actually, there's not much of a difference in the foreign policy between McCain and Hilary accept for when it comes to handling Iraq.
I like the bus in a ditch analogy. Yes, I'm still angry about that vote Hilary. Can't get over it.
I disagree with Obama bombing Pakistan for whatever reason.
Come on Tim, let Hilary finish her answer.
Oh, good jab at Obama from Hilary. Let her FINISH TIM!
No, you don't reserve the right to re-invade a country.
Okay, a year is long enough to hold a meeting Obama. Hilary's got you on that one.
Obama is weak when it comes to foreign policy but, that's why you have advisors. I believe he will surround himself with
advisors that care about humanity.
Come on Obama, we all know you are interested in speeches
Hilary looks nice and refreshed after the brake. LOL at them cutting Obama off.
Good, get Obama on something like you did with Hilary.
That's a good question about making tax return record public. she's not going to answer it. LOL at the plug.
LOL of Louis Farrahkhan coming up in the debate. I can't stand Farrahkhan personally. Come on Tim. It's ridiculous to reject support from people you agree with. so, that's some guy's opinion.
Does Obama have on green eye shadow?
good closings for them both.
Nothing really went down though
Tavis Smiley
Tavis Smiley is starting to piss me off. He is not the leader of the black community. There are lots of activists and everyone has work to do. Tavis Smiley does not decide on the type of campaign Obama should run. Just because Obama chooses not to bow down to Tavis does not make Obama a bad candidate. Tavis needs to shut up about Obama right now. He can keep his message to presidential candidates general without addressing one in particular. The only reason Hilary is attending his forum this weekend is because she is weak.
If he thinks about Obama's agenda, he would realize that Obama's presidency will help the black community just like Hilary's agenda. It's the nature of the democratic platform. Obama is not running on the black agenda that Tavis created. Obama is running to be President of all Americans. Tavis needs to get his brain wrapped around that.
I do like Tavis for the most part. He's done a lot of good. He needs to understand however that everyone does not agree with him. I don't agree with everything that Tavis has outlined in his book "Covenant With Black America" because of the religious undertones.....That does not mean I am against Tavis, he just needs to respect differences in opinion.
Obama is actually fulfilling the steps Tavis has outlined indirectly. One of his steps is addressing the lack of healthcare in the black community. Well, guess what Tavis, Obama's healthcare plan addresses those issues. His mandate on covering all children speaks to the very thing you've been advocating.
Debate Night- My thoughts
he is short! whoever he is
I don't care what folk say, I like Hilary's suit
packed house
campbell brown, is that her name? that's odd
wow no time limit on answers.
Oh come on Obama, pick up the pace and the tone!!!!! Get into the groove. Come on!
Wow, Jorge is a nice looking older man.
Obviously, Hilary wants conditions before sitting down with Raul Castro. That's a direct appeal to the Cuban lobby. Makes me angry...Yes, get a direct answer.
Good answer Obama. No preconditions, learn to work with people. It's called negotiating skills!!!!
I agree with Obama on the Cuba issue. I'm sick of us bowing down to a hand full of rich Cubans that are still bitter over the Cuban revolution.....
Well, Hilary, you said you wanted preconditions before engaging.
I'm so proud of Chelsea
Obama seems to be getting into the groove now. Well, I don't know about struggling for decades now.
Hilary has a smirk on her face
John does not like Hilary's hair tonight. I kind of agree that it's a little severe. LOL at Hilary saying hoodwinked. funny word
I'm not feeling very pumped up tonight. I'm kind of tired
YOU GO HILARY! I loved the comment about Bush's war on science. She is so right.
Hilary's getting fired up. Obama, you better step it up.
Yes, stop the immigration raids. It's terrible. Yes path to citizenship. Oh, wow.
I don't like this paying of high fines for illegal immigrants.
I'm against the border fence. All we needed was more border guards. Well, why did you vote for it?!!!!! so are you saying you made a mistake with your vote?
ha ha ha ha
I am craving dessert right now
Yes, pass the dream act!!!! Good answer Obama! Yes, we need to learn other languages.
Get her Obama!!! boondoggles?
Hilary is getting pissed. Wow, great answer.
Ah Deval Patrick issue. That's right. Oh Hilary ,don't go there.
Oh , for some of us a long time. That was a jab.
The moderators are enjoying this . It's so nice to not have John Edwards' voice squealing on the sidelines.
Best comment of the night! Obama saying the McCain has admitted to not understanding the economy well LOL"
Oh my God is she is going to cry? Don't do it Hilary! oh my standing ovation for Hilary. oh, it's the end of the debate. guess that's part of the reason for the standing.
I'm not an Anderson Cooper fan for some reason. he annoys me. He looks too young for hair so white. John just called him a bad name I won't repeat.
Super Tuesday
I'm not watching live coverage of the results tonight. I'm about to take a shower and crawl in bed with my laptop. I'll review the results at my leisure. I'll probably wake up at 2 am or so to see the results from the west coast. I don't need to set the alarm. My body will awake unassisted.
Now I have to finish my cash flow statements.