
For some reason, I was thinking about Chris Rock and his stand up comedy show called "Never Scared". It's hilarious!
He has this one segment where he talks about black folk taking Robitussin for any and every possible ailment. So, I thought to myself, I've never taken Robitussin and I don't remember my mom or my grandma ever having Robitussin in the house. I felt the urge to try it for myself. I bought some because I was feeling pretty sick and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. It works okay I guess.
Then I started thinking back. My mom had the tendancy to stick with one brand once she found one she liked. That meant, we always ate Captain Crunch Cereal, we always used Close Up toothepaste and we always always drank RC Cola. So for illnesses, the medicine I remember most is the Goody's brand aspirin. My mom always said it was the best. I thought it was really nasty.
I don't recall my grandmother giving us any medication in particular. I remember she drank prune juice, butter milk and would eat beets out of a can. I guess she was pretty holistic without ever talking about it.
We did keep Vick's vapor rub in the house. I have some in the medicine cabinet right now. John saw me take a scoop of it and stick it up my nostrils one day. He looked at me in horror and said, "don't do that! you're not supposed to put it up your nose. You're supposed to rub it on your chest. My mom always rubbed it on our chest...."
I just ignored him and continued on sucking the Vicks through my nose. then I said, " It's not my chest that's congested, it's my sinuses...."
John has a belly full of couscous!!!!
I made this moroccan stew tonight. It came out good. It had veggies, couscous and lots of spices in it. I'm so crazy about Sandra Lee!
lack of control
I sent John to work with enough snacks to last him for at least a week. THe purpose was for him to store the snacks in his desk and have something to munch on before or after lunch. The snacks were not meant to take the place of lunch. The snacks consisted of trail mix, ritz crackers w/cheese packs and peanut butter and cookie sandwich packs. Well, John ate all of his snacks in one day!!! Never again. The snacks I took to work for myself lasted me for two weeks. Now he wants me to portion everything out and give him one snack pack a day. I have to measure out the trail mix and fill sandwich bags with a portion of trail mix each day. Ridiculous!
All hell's about to break loose part 2
this is the second part of the debate. These are my thoughts as they occur
that's a low blow Charlie Rangel ! Good answer Obama
you're a liar edwards. oh here we go. good comeback Hilary. Was that Dave Chappelle in the audience? LOL!
that fake smile Edwards just made, I love it! oh gosh, why bring up Bill O'Reilly. oh, gosh, edwards make it quick!
he was with a woman in Kansas City. I'm sure his daddy bundled them up that way when he as a kid.
oh gosh, I didn't know Toni Morrison said that. I'm disgusted. Obviously, Bill Clinton was not the first black president. I wish people would stop saying that. I can't believe this is an actual debate question.
get to the point Obama. my patience is wearing thin.
Hilary just called edwards son of the south LOL! Most important job in the US Hilary, not the world. Let's not be so arrogant.
And exactly how do Americans act?
Wow, Hilary mentioned HBCU's.
Obama looks like he wants to laugh at Edwards. Rich folks such as yourself.
I kind of like Bill Clinton even though I don't agree with everything he's done.
35 years of experience in the White house? is that what she just said?
what was the question?
Edwards, YOU will not do well in the South either. YOU will not debate well with McCain. What happened last time you ran? You werent very competitive then. ATTACK HIM Hilary and Obama!!
oh hear we go on the religion talk.
this election i's not going to be about campaign finance reform Edwards-much as you'd like it to be- the repubs will want the election about national security. Hilary's right you're wrong.
LOL at everyone working with lobbyist!
Oh, Obama, don't go there.
I'm getting really tired now. I'm bored with all of this.
All hell's about to break loose
The debate....This post will serve as an outlet for my thoughts about the debate in real time.
Edwards is coming out swinging!! but he's missing the punches. either you have it or you don't.
Hilary looks good. I like her outfit.
This is getting good
Oh my goodness!! They are going at it.
Barack is fired up!!!
In the words of John Evans III, "Oh BITCH slap!!"
Oh here we go with Edwards trying to sound rational
Good job edwards with changing the subject. It was getting ugly. I almost had to change from my sweater to a tank top.
Enough Edwards with telling us what we already know!!! get to the point with what you are going to do.
Okay, finally, back to the questions
yeah right Edwards, you haven't proposed crap. Nice haircut.
Oh, Hilary has fire in her eyes.
People are borrowing money on their homes and credit cards because they are either paying bills or shopping.
OH oh, here comes the undercut from Obama.
LOL at obama doing work for a slum lord!!!
oh well, my dreams of a Hilary/Obama join ticket may not come true
Hilary is attacking Obama now. Honestly, I think HIlary and Obama are cut from the same cloth..
oh my? what the hell? was the bill presented twice?
what! HIlary just got booooooooed.
Hilary is about to scratch Obama's eyes out!! you know what happens when you corner a cat.
Come on Obama, get to the point, speak faster, clearer more precisely!!
Poor moderator. He can't even get through the questions.
oh gosh edwards, well, good point edwards.
just vote no obama on the bills you don't like. what about you edwards! let's talk about your voting record!
get them Obama! that's it, focus on your positives. now, go in and criticize edwards. There are many opportunities!
who is this guy with the bald head and purple tie?
yeah, so u can make a good speech
Edward's daddy didn't have health insurance. yeah edwards, you'll take the money if offerred to ya.
up until 25 years old? I don't want a kid on my insurance until they are that old. once they're 18, they're on their own.
I like Hilary's healthcare plan better than Obama's I think. They're very similar though. Repubs don't want that though. they want people to be sickly for a long time and then die
Go Hilary. She's such a fighter. Oh oh, another attack. alright Hilary. Come on Obama, fight back! this is training!
Edwards thinks he's accomplishing something...
yes, I'm out of the sweater and in the tank top now. no need for the furry throw.
Obama, stop standing and staring like that. not a good look
yeah, Hilary but you're not withdrawing all of the troops but neither will obama. see, one in the same.
Attack on McCain!!! I hope McCain wins the nomination
Hilary or Obama or Somebody, remind edwards on how he co-authorized the War Resolution on Iraq!!
We know this Obama, get to the point!!!
end of part 1
Hi folks!
well, I'm sitting here waiting for the debate to come on. I'm looking forward to that. I have my furry throw wrapped around me and I munched on some cheese. John's in the kitchen -where he belongs- cooking spaghetti and meat sauce. I made yummy lamb stew yesterday. I was pretty proud of it.
I start school tomorrow night. I spent about 1/2 hour going over my transcripts. I have 9 classes left which includes the two I'm taking this semester. I feel like it's taking so long to finish. 9 classes is not bad but, when you're taking only 2 a semester, it really drags it out. This semester should be easier than last semester. I'm taking Intermediate Accounting II and Writing for Electronic Communications. the writing class is an elective I just found out about....
So as of today, I can only take one summer class which sets me back. I was hoping to take two. The few classes I have left are not offered in the summer accept for the one. That means, I have Tax and Audit in the fall, Accounting Information Systems and Accounting III in the Spring (next year!!!!) and finally, Strategic Business blah blah blah and one of the final accounting classes I have to still decide on. That's it. I'll be done after that. I'll be 37 by then.....
Yes, I'm feeling tired and slightly cranky tonight. My teeth are moving so I feel like I have a sinus headache. The debate should either cheer me up or piss me off.
Alright Obama!
I'm really happy about him winning Iowa. I would have liked it if Hilary had won too. We all know how I feel about Edwards.
Happ New Year! It's so cold to me. I have on my pajamas and am about to crawl under my furry blanket. It's actually a throw that Vivian gave to John and I. I'm the only one that uses it.I love it. I keeps me so warm and cozy. I wrap it around my legs even when it's a toasty 85 degrees outside.
I have the sniffles today :(
I heard this commercial clip today from the John Edwards campaign. It made me very ill. I don't know if it was John Edwards' voice or if it was someone else in the commercial but, they got all choked up (very dramatically) and said, "No one will fight for your daddy's job like John Edwards will". I had to swallow my own vomit to keep from making a mess.