So I'm back in school after a 3 week break. I'm an official Senior now and down to my last year + 1 semester. I'm taking two accounting classes. Both teachers are middle-aged women with PhD's in Accounting and both are CPA's. I didn't like my Wednesday night teacher at first because she was loud and walked around the classroom all night instead of lecturing from the front of the room. She wanted to know everyone's nickname and was just a busy body basically. She grew on me though throughout the course of the evening. now I like her. That could all change of course next week.
I had my Thursday night teacher before (for Managerial Acctg) and didn't really like or dislike her. I liked her tonight. Maybe it's because I'm comfortable with her style of teaching.
I have this one guy in my class that sits in front of me. He's so annoying to me because he's loud and a know it all. Before class started, he was yelling across the room at a buddy of his. He could have just walked over to the guy's desk.... He had on his dress shirt with suspenders and a tie. Plus, I could not help but notice the Mit Romney 08 stickers all over his binder and two republican pendants on his shirt. As if that was something to be proud of....It's funny because we had to get in groups and discuss applying accounting ethics to certain scenarios. The one scenario we had was about a manager that overheard a phone conversation his CEO was having regarding a competitor buying up the company's stock. The manager went back and shared that information with his team. Was that ethical? Well, Mr. Romney lover said, "the guy did nothing wrong. He didn't break any laws and people discuss hostile takeovers all the time, blah blah blah..." Of course, he was wrong and the teacher had to again educate him on what is and is not ethical in accounting. You'd think he would just instinctively know right from wrong.
pretty good day today
I popped one of the wires out on my braces today. I was munching on some ginger snaps. They were pretty hard but I thought as long as I broke them in half before shoving into my mouth, I'd be okay. well, didn't quite work out. I bit into one, popped a wire and had to pull it out very carefully. It was not fun.
I made some yummy turkey thighs Sunday night. We had them as leftovers today. They were quite tasty. I baked them in chicken broth for about 2 1/2 hours on 350. I seasoned them with garlic powder, season salt, and onions. My sister gave me the recipe.
John and I went on a nice walk this evening. We just walked around the neighborhood but it lasted for a good 35 minutes. We both worked up a sweat. We came back in and did stretches. We want to commit to walkin 4 times a week. We both need the exercise.
I start school next week. It's going to be my toughest semester yet. It's truly a "ride or die" semester. I'm taking Intermediate Accounting I and Cost Accounting.
I'm liking my new job still. I have this cube mate that I really like. She's 32 years old, married and has a 10 year old daughter. She makes me laugh. Whenever I tell her a story about my past or about one of my crazy friends, she takes a deep breath, opens her eyes really wide and yells, "SHUT UP!". You know, exactly like Elaine does on Seinfield. Cracks me up everytime.
work was good today. it was raining so hard this morning. I had to wear a raincoat!! I'm glad it cleared up later. I went to Target for lunch and bought a sweater and a hot dog for lunch. The hot dog was nasty. I have got to find some decent food near work. I've been eating so much crap lately. I went to Bahama Breeze after school to get dinner. I ordered food to go and waited for 15 minutes. I was hoping to see someone there that I knew. That place is just so festive. I like it. I used to hang out there all the time back in the day.
I'm looking forward to the weekend. John and I are going to my sister's place tomorrow evening to hang out. I don't think much else is going on.
I'm not too excited about the upcoming elections. I don't know, I'm just not interested. Maybe it's too early still. I even missed one of the debates. I never use to miss the presidential debates. I'm just so annoyed. Alberto Gonzalez is a liar, everybody knows it but everyone is afraid to call him a liar to his face.
I'm listening to George Carlin's stand up comedy show right now and he is hilarious.