I'm so excited!!!!
I made an A on my final exam in Statistics!!!!! I can't believe it! I worked hard and really earned it but still, I'm shocked. My teacher presents a trophy to the student that makes the highest grade on each test for each class. Guess who gets the trophy for my class for the final? MEMEMEMEMEME!!! That means I made the highest test score in my class.
My overall grade in the class is a BC which sucks. I need a B or better in order to be reimbursed for that class by my employer. Whatever....Of course she reiterated in an email sent to all of her students that the overall average grade for her classes this semester is a C which is consistent with past semester averages.... Well, at least I made an A in Macroeconomics.
I'm so angry!!!
At work, we are being forced to decorate our cubicles. I don't even decorate my own home. I certainly do not want to decorate at my job. I'm sooooooooooooooooo annoyed. So, the theme is Santa's Workshop and each cubicle in my area must have a particular toy making theme. Everyone had to pick which toy shop they wanted to be. I initially picked puzzles because I thought I had a puzzle at home I could bring in. Well, I could not find the stupid puzzle so I had to make a last minute change. Thank God someone brought in toy train sets and let me borrow them. My toy shop theme will be toy trains. how cute...........
We have to do it tomorrow because there's a contest going on. I hate it. I swear, this time next year, I do not want to be doing this job and working with these people. I know there are worse things and worse places to work but this is just one of the many annoyances.
I'm also annoyed by this article. Why don't they send them home just like they send the Mexicans and Haitians home.
Little me

I was about 3 or 4 I guess. The picture is not dated. When I see this picture, I think of doughnuts covered with white powdered sugar.They were my favorite. I remember getting them once and awhile on the way to school when I was in kindergarten.

This drink is so damn good. Go out and purchase. My favorite is the strawberry flavor.
Fond memories
John and I were talking about our childhood like we often times do. It inspired a post.
When I was little, my mom worked most of the time and I stayed at my grandmother's after school. On the weekends however, my mom was home with us. My mom was not a very strict mom and she let us do pretty much what we wanted. She did have her rules though.
So on Saturdays, we were not allowed to really sleep late or sit idle. We had to "do" something. I can hear her now yelling, "Get up! Clean the house, pull the weeds! My mom was obsessed with the weeds. She hated the sight of them. We had to go to the yard in front of the house and pull all of them. She would sometimes inspect our work. Crazy....Thank God she didn't care about the backyard. If the weeds were not all pulled, we had to go back out and finish the job. I hated pulling the weeds.
After the work was done, we had to go outside and play. My mom would lock us out of the house for a few hours. She would only let us in if it was an emergency. My mom said if she did not do that, we would constantly run in and out of the house nonstop and slam the door. Keep in mind, there were 4 of us plus our friends from the neighborhood that use to come by. So, I use to hide in my bedroom and be very very quiet so that she would forget I was in the house. See, I hated going outside because it was too hot. I did not like playing with the kids in the neighborhood much either. I had a couple of friends from the neighborhood but sometimes, I just wanted to be left alone with my dolls. I loved Barbie Christina and I loved my paperdolls.
My mom is really the nicest person I know. I didn't realize that until I was an adult.
So cute
We were at this sushi restaurant a couple of Saturdays back. The food was amazing! It's at the International Plaza and is fairly new. Our friend Eileen took the first two pictures. They were hanging in the ladies restroom.

Here's John!