Thursday, April 05, 2007


John's making dinner tonight. It's been too long. He's making chicken drumsticks with buffalo wing sauce. Should be interesting.....

I've been trying to improve my diet. Instead of my daily bag of Cheetos or KC Masterpiece barbecue chips, I have a bag of pumpkin seeds at my desk. That bag is lasting a long time. I tried to eat some today but only managed to eat a few.

A co-worker gave me Reese's Peanut Butter Easter Eggs and another co-worker gave me a chocolate bunny. Am I supposed to refuse? I ignored the candy yesterday but today, I caved. I opened the peanut butter egg and took several bites of it. It was not that easy to eat believe it or not because I have a fear of getting food stuck in my braces across my front teeth. Now, I push everything way towards the back of my mouth. So the effort and guilt of giving in to my unhealthy eating habits made me throw 3/4 of it in the trash. Not bad. We'll see what happens tomorrow with the bunny. Oh how I love Cheetos........


At 8:32 PM, Blogger johnnie said...

mmmm... chocolate bunny *drool*

At 9:42 PM, Blogger dddonna said...

MMMM! I just started missing chocolate this week. I have a stash put back for Sunday. I will share it with you--pecan/carmel clusters covered with chocolate. I went to Brandon yesterday and found Teavana. Oh, what an experience. I bought Earl Grey and Irish breakfast and some of that wonderful sugar that they have. My, my, my. See you Sunday.

At 12:10 AM, Blogger JT Evans said...

If you were even remotely chubby, I could understand some of your concern about eating candy!

At 12:41 PM, Blogger CherylRenee said...

My problem is malnourishment moreso than weight :)

Donna, I'm so glad you found Teavana. I did not know about the sugar. I'll have to check it out. You should try the nignt night tea when you get a chance. It relaxes you.

I will not be able to eat the pecan/carmel clusters. Carmel candy sticks to my braces really bad. I'm looking forward to Sunday!


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