So, I know it's been a while since I've posted. Not much going on. We got out of work early today and went to Bahama Breeze for appetizer and cocktails. It was okay.I've been following the primary debates. I heard Jim Davis speak yesterday on a talk show and was really disappointed. He had few innovative ideas. He didn't stand up to Republicans while in congress, why would he stand up to them now? It reminds me of John Kerry all over again. I think he will win the primary but I don't think he has the back-bone to win the gubernatorial election. Well, I've yet to see it. The debates on tonight. Maybe I'll see some hope.
John's all excited about his new watch band. He's about to make himself a pastis....
I went out Saturday night with Vivian and the crew. In all, there were about 20 of us. We had such a great time. Here are a couple of picture-me in the first one and Vivian in the second one. We all had a blast.

Who opposes Jim Davis and is that candidate (or candidates) a better choice? And is Jim Davis a better choice than any of his GOP opponents? Our rep is Mike Sodrel, Republican who defeated the incumbent, Baron Hill, last time, and Baron will oppose him again in November. I'm disappointed in Baron, as you are disappointed in Davis, but Baron is our only hope. It's not a very happy time in politics, is it? Glad you had a great time Saturday night, anyhow. We console ourselves as we can. I'm going with my friend Warnie to the Brick Tavern in Jonesville, Indiana tomorrow for the best damn cheeseburger in southern Indiana. We're going to be rednecks and cuss and bitch about Bush et al. and philosophize and tell dirty jokes and make the best of it. Sounds pretty good, doesn't it? You take care, sweetie.
He's running against Rod Smith in the primaries. I actually liked Rod Smith better but he's in bed with the US Sugar Company...
I'm not sure who I will be voting for yet but whoever wins the primary, I will support.
Have fun tonight :)
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